Detection and Prevention

Recognizing that you have a behavioral health disorder is the first step to making a positive change in your life. Educate yourself about signs of depressionanxiety, or substance use disorders. This can motivate you to seek help. 

Paying attention to stressors in your life is a positive step to lessen the effects of mental illnesses. Explore stress management techniques.

How We Can Help

If you think you may be experiencing symptoms of a behavioral health disorder, our Behavioral Health team can offer you support and hope. We’ll help you make a game plan to manage your condition. We’ll provide strategies to avoid stressors so you can live your life with greater enjoyment. 

Accurately diagnosing a disorder is key to successfully managing it. A Premier Health psychiatrist or counselor with advanced training will thoroughly interview you and evaluate your situation. We sometimes use screening questionnaires for drug and alcohol use. This helps us consider the impact of these substances on you and any possible interactions with your prescribed medications.

Using the information and insights you provide, our team of counselors, psychiatrists, and psychologists will help you look at your life from a new perspective. We’ll support and encourage you. We’ll teach you skills to cope better with daily life. We’ll help you to be more successful in your relationships at work and home.

We offer outpatient services at Miami Valley Hospital and Samaritan Behavioral Health for a wide range of behavioral disorders, and inpatient behavioral health units at Miami Valley Hospital, Atrium Medical Center, and Upper Valley Medical Center if you need care in a crisis.

Test Yourself With These Mental Health Assessments

Do you think you may have anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder,or depression?

Here are some screening tools that explore signs of these disorders. Complete any or all to help you evaluate your current situation and whether you may benefit from the expertise of a behavioral health professional.

Contact Us

If you or someone close to you is experiencing a crisis, call 911. If the crisis is serious but not life-threatening, you can directly call our inpatient behavioral health unit that’s closest to you:

We also can help you with a range of outpatient programs for alcohol, drug, and mental health issues:

(937) 208-6719

  • Call Samaritan Behavioral Health for ages 5 through adult: (937) 734-8333(937) 734-8333